Bleeding the radiators is imperative on the arrival of low temperatures during the colder months. It’s important that we know about this aspect of helping the heating in our homes to save energy and money.
To get the most out of the water in the radiators and so they function well, you must maintain a proper radiator maintenance at least once a year. In this way, you will have the desired temperature and also save energy. The heating of our homes are run by circuit carrying pipes and radiator water therein. When this is heated, the radiators bring heat to the rooms.
Sometimes, in addition to water, air is introduced into the circuit which causes problems such as noise in the pipes, plus often preventing unevenly heated radiators (the top being hotter than the bottom) .To solve these problems they will need to be bled.
· Bleeding the radiators
Place a bucket under the drain valve which is next to the thermostat, or under the screw. This is usually located on the side of the radiator. Then turn the screw or valve, as appropriate, a quarter turn, and let the air out until you see that murky water is flowing. When this happens, the valve will close and spend the next radiator. Begin with those closest to the boiler and if the house has two floors, the ground floor is the best place to begin.
Besides bleeding, you must also clean the radiators as traces of rust and dirt accumulate inside. To do this, you will close the valves that allow the entry and exit of water. After this, it is a good idea to empty of water and waste. When you have finished, place it back to hang and connect. You can then fill the circuit again and check that the boiler has a pressure of 1 bar. Finally, the radiators will be purged to remove excess air.